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Fri, May 21, 21.

Messiah in Isaiah

Emmanuel [Isa 7:14-17; 8:6-10]

  1. He was to be born to a virgin [Isa 7:14]
  2. A sign that God is with the house of David and land of Judah
  3. He will save the remnant of Judah and Israel and bring them back to their God
  4. He will save his land from the Assyrian invasion [Isa 8:6-10]
    1. He is the same as
      1. Yahweh’s Majestic Voice [Isa 30:30-31], and
      2. The Angel of Yahweh [Isa 37:36-37]
      3. The Name of Yahweh [Isa 30:30-31]

The Child Born and the Son Given to Us [Isa 9:6]

  1. He will, obviously, be born to the house of David
  2. He will reign forever
    1. He is the same as
      1. Immanuel [Isa 7:14-17; 8:6-10]
      2. The Light, the Great Light [Isa 9:2]
    2. Under his reign there will be peace in all the earth [Isa 9:7]
    3. He will be called [Isa 9:6]
      1. Wonderful Counselor,
      2. Mighty God,
        1. He is the same as Immanuel which means “God with us.” [Isa 7:14-17; 8:6-10]
  1. Prince of Peace.

The Sanctuary [Isa 8:13-15]

  1. He will defend all who trust in him
    1. He is the same as
      1. The Rock and Cornerstone [Isa 28:16-17; 8:13-15]

The Stone, the Rock of Israel, the Cornerstone [Isa 28:16-17; 8:13-15 cf., Isa 26:4; 30:29]

  1. The people of Israel and Judah will stumble on account of him. This points to their unbelief in him. [Isa 8:14-15]
    1. He is the same as the Servant of Yahweh [Isa 53:11ff]
  2. Men are to put their trust in him [Isa 28:16 cf. Isa 53:11]
  3. Those who trust in him will not be dismayed. In other words, this Stone will be a source of salvation from the wrath and anger of Yahweh to all who trust in him [Isa 28:16].
  4. He will save those who trust in him from death (unlike the incompetent rulers of Jerusalem who trust in their covenant with death to save them [Isa 28:14-15])
    1. Those who do not trust in him will suffer death, contrary to their faith in the covenant they have with death [Isa 28:17b—“...hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie, and water will overflow your hiding place.”]
  5. He will rule over Israel [Isa 28:16-17] (this is what it means that he is a foundation stone, Isa 19:13. Also, consider Isa 28:14-15—he is the replacement for the incompetent rulers of Jerusalem)
  6. He is someone that God has tested and proven [Isa 28:16]
  7. He is precious to God [Isa 28:16]
  8. He was chosen by God [Isa 28:16-17; 1Pet 2:4-6] before the foundation of the world [1Pet 1:20; 2:4-6 cf., Joh 17:5]

A Great Light, a Light [Isa 9:2]

  1. He will honor Galilee of the Gentiles, by the way of the sea, along the Jordan [Isa 9:1]
    1. He is the same as
      1. Immanuel [Isa 7:14-17; 8:6-10]
      2. The Son born to David’s house [Isa 9:6]

The Branch and Root of Jesse [Isa 11:1,10]

  1. He will be a descendant of David [Isa 11:1]
  2. He will rule over the remnant in the land [Isa 11:1]
    1. He is the same as
      1. The Son born to David’s house [Isa 9:6]
    2. The Spirit of Yahweh will rest on him [Isa 11:2]
    3. He will be a righteous Judge receiving his judgments from Yahweh [Isa 11:3-4]
    4. He will slay the wicked with the breath of his mouth [Isa 11:4]
    5. Under his rule, the place of his rest, i.e., the land of Israel, especially Zion, will be glorious [Isa 11:10]. It will be so glorious that dangerous animals—carnivorous and poisonous—will not be dangerous to man and other animals alike on Yahweh’s Holy Hill [Isa 11:6-9]
    6. The Nations will rally to him, he will be a uniting force for mankind [Isa 11:10]
    7. He will regather the exiles of Israel and Judah from all the nations [Isa 11:12]

The Name of Yahweh [Isa 30:27]

  1. He will come to Jerusalem from afar [Isa 30:21]
  2. He will destroy the nations gathered against Jerusalem [Isa 30:21]
    1. Same as
      1. Immanuel [Isa 8:6-10], and
      2. The Angel of Yahweh [Isa 37:36-37]
    2. Mount Zion is the place of the Name of Yahweh of Hosts [Isa 18:7]
    3. All men will fear him [Isa 59:19]
      1. Same as
        1. The Glory of Yahweh [Isa 59:19], and

Yahweh’s Majestic Voice [Isa 30:30-31]

  1. Men will hear him speak [Isa 30:31]
  2. He will destroy Assyria [Isa 30:31]
    1. He is the same as
      1. Immanuel [Isa 8:6-10], and
      2. The Angel of Yahweh [Isa 37:36-37]
      3. The Name of Yahweh [Isa 30:30-31]
    2. He will come “...down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail” [Isa 30:30]
      1. He is the same as the Name of Yahweh [Isa 30:30-31]

The King That Will Reign in Righteousness [Isa 32:1-2]

  1. He will have righteous rulers under him reigning with him [Isa 32:1-2]
  2. The curse of blindness and hardness will be broken under his reign [Isa 32:3-5]
  3. He will rule in righteousness [Isa 32:1]
    1. He is the same as
      1. The Arm of Yahweh for the Arm of Yahweh will rule for Him [Isa 40:10]
      2. The Son to be born to David’s house [Isa 9:6]

The Arm of Yahweh [Isa 40:10; 53:1; 51:9-10; Isa 30:30]

  1. He will be born and grow as a man [Isa 53:1-2] (he has to be a man to be able to die)
    1. He is the same as
      1. Immanuel [Isa 7:14-17; 8:6-10]
      2. The Son born to David’s house [Isa 9:6]
    2. He will not be easily recognizable because of his humanity [Isa 53:2]
    3. He will be despised and rejected by the people of Israel [Isa 53:2-3,7]
    4. He will suffer and will die for the sins of his people [Isa 53:6-10]
    5. He will rise from the dead—“After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life” [Isa 53:11]
    6. After his resurrection from the dead, he will intercede for sinners
      1. he will bear their iniquities. [Isa 53:11]
      2. …he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. [Isa 53:11]
    7. God will reward him with great honor for his service unto him [Isa 53:12]
    8. He will come “...down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail” [Isa 30:30]
    9. Men will hear his voice on the day he comes [Isa 30:30]
    10. It was by/through him that God rescued the Israelites from Egypt [Isa 51:9] and
      1. He is the same as
        1. The Angel of His Presence [Isa 63:9]
      2. It was he who parted the Red Sea [Isa 51:10]
      3. He will rule on behalf of Yahweh God [Isa 40:10]
        1. He is the same as
          1. The Majestic Voice of Yahweh [Isa 30:30-31]
          2. The Servant of Yahweh [Isa 53:1-2,11]

The Servant of Yahweh [Isa 42:1-7; 49:1-2ff; Isa 53:11]

  1. The Spirit of Yahweh will be upon him [Isa 42:1]
  2. He will be a righteous judge [Isa 42:3]
  3. He will bring justice to the nations [Isa 42:1]
  4. He will establish justice on the earth [Isa 42:4]
  5. He will have his own law and in it “the islands will put their hope” [Isa 42:4]
  6. He will be a light for the Gentiles [Isa 42:6; 49:6]
  7. He will be a Covenant for the People [Isa 42:6]
  8. He will open the eyes of the blind [Isa 42:7] spiritually [Isa 6:10; 42:16-17,18-20] (but also physically)
  9. He was named “Israel” by God [Isa 49:3]
  10. He his Yahweh’s servant “to bring Jacob back to him and gather Israel to himself” [Isa 49:6]
  11. Yahweh’s splendour, glory, will be displayed through him [Isa 49:3]
    1. Yahweh promises not to share His glory with any other person except for the Servant of Yahweh [Isa 42:8]
  12. He will bring Yahweh’s salvation to the ends of the earth [Isa 49:6]
  13. He will be wise [Isa 52:13]
  14. He will suffer and be humiliated and be killed unjustly [Isa 50:5-6; 52:14; 53:11]
    1. He is the same as the Rock, Stone [Isa 7:14-17; 8:6-10]
  15. He will be righteous and sinless [Isa 53:9,11]
  16. He is the same as
    1. The Arm of Yahweh [Isa 53:1-2,11]

The Servant of Yahweh—Eliakim, Son of Hilkiah [Isa 22:20]

  1. He will rule over Jerusalem—He will be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the house of Judah [Isa 22:21]
  2. He will have the highest authority—“I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” [Isa 22:22 cf., Rev 3:7]

The Anointed of Yahweh [Isa 61:1]


  1. Everlasting Light [Isa 60:21]
  2. Savior, Redeemer, Mighty One of Jacob [Isa 60:16]

Pillar of Cloud and Fire [Isa 4:5-6]

  1. He is the same as the Angel of Yahweh's Presence [Isa 53:1-2,11]